Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NNREThe NearlyRealEngine's global namespace
 CIExceptionAn interface for exception
 CBucketEntryA bucket entry used as the hash table elements
 CBucketEntryHashUsed to store the key hash, or not depending on the template value
 CBucketEntryHash< true >
 CHashTableBased on TSL Robin Hash, An hashtable used in map and set, an associative container using linear probing, robin hood and shift back optimisation
 CForwardIteratorHash table forward iterator
 CLocalForwardIteratorHash table local forward iterator
 CArrayA fixed size array
 CBasicStringA basic template string, with dynamic size, guarantee to be in contiguous memory
 CForwardListA simple linked list
 CForwardIteratorInternal iterator for forward list
 CObservableDescribe an observable object, coupled with observer
 CObserverDescribe an observer object attached to an Observable
 CPairA basic template pair
 CSingletonDescribe a singleton object
 CStackA stack adapter wrapping a container class
 CStaticInterfaceDescribe an object using CRTP to create static interface (static polymorphism)
 CStaticVectorA static vector, with a fixed size capacity on the stack but vector behavior
 CStringableDescribe an stringable object
 CUncopyableDescribe an un-copyable object
 CUnorderedMapAn unordered map, associative unordered container
 CVectorA dynamic array, guarantee to be in contiguous memory
 NstdThe stl standard namespace
 Chash< NRE::Utility::String >
 ChashManage hashing for specialized version