2019 Update : With NRE-System becoming functionnal, NearlyRealEngine is beeing reworked with the use of all currently devellopped APIs. This includes :
- NRE-Math
- NRE-System
- NRE-Utility
- ...
2018 : This is the heart of the NRE Software, the 3D Rendering Engine that I'm developping for 1 year. I'm continuously upgrading it for my need and with what I want to learn. The Engine's code is available on my repository here : NearlyRealEngine The engine allows a simple programmer to develop a full game easily, it involves some features :
- OpenGL wrapper library
- 2D and 3D Rendering pipeline
- Powerful and User-Friendly ECS
- Powerful and User-Friendly Event handling mecanism
- Full mathematical built-in library
- Built-in world voxel generator
- Assets loading
- Graphical effect including : PBR pipeline, Bloom, SSAO, IBL, Dynamic shadow
- Customisable rendering pipeline
- ...
What's NRE Software ?
NRE Software is the result from the merge of all my work, including my 3D rendering engine and the set of utilitary tools I developped while studying. The name came from the rendering engine NearlyRealEngine, my first big project. Then with time I came developping a lot of little software in order to manage things i was doing everytime. I wanted to pack everything in a website to show what I'm doing and to share my software with everyone. Nearly all my software are open-source, the code is public but under GPL v3 Licence.